Catonese Pop Albums Collection

Catonese Pop Albums Collection


Canto Pop , Cantonese Pop refers to the type of popular music made in Hong Kong and sung in Cantonese.

Strangely, compare with the haydays in pop music in Japan or Korea that called themselves J-Pop or K-Pop. We don't called it H-Pop (Hong Kong Pop). One of the reasons that prior to that people can made records sung in English or Mandarin (or even Phillipines) in Hong Kong and can still made the charts.

Most historian recognised the start of the Canto Pop in 1974, when a TV drama song took over the popularity in Hong Kong and in the mid 80s, Canto Pop took popularity in all the Asian countries as well.

This room includes the my favourite albums released by the Canto Pop era.

I arranged this in a chronlogical order, so that you can also see how the album design taste changes through the years.
