"Southern Sound" - 南聲聲畫廊

"Southern Sound" - 南聲聲畫廊


When I started to explore the history of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong, I came across with a record publisher called "Southen Sound" Record Company "南聲唱片"

They instead take the recording of Chinese folkore music and operatic music and do the mastering and vinyl production in the States, that result with a superb music quality and content, that is still enjoyable 60s years later.

Not much information was left about this record company, and not much material actually have left behind as well, and what attracts me is their sound and music that published and released. Everything I learned something new from it, and their impressive calligraphy, and artwork.

香港の広東オペラの歴史を探り始めたとき、「Southen Sound」レコード会社「南聲唱片」というレコード出版社に出会いました。


