- Cookie-Records Museum
- 4F シンガー・ソングライター
- Tim Buckley / Starsailor (US, Straight, WS 1881) <November 1970>
Tim Buckley / Starsailor (US, Straight, WS 1881) <November 1970>
Tim Buckley / Starsailor (US, Straight, WS 1881) <November 1970>
(side 1) WS 1881 A 39774-1B
(side 2) WS 1881 39775-B 1A
サイケというか何というか。一般的に傑作と言われ、Down Beatで★5つ(満点)Allmusicで★4.5という高評価ですが、前衛色が強すぎて正直ぜんぜん僕には理解できません。
Song to the Siren
1967年に作られた曲で1968年にThe Monkees TV showに出演した際に披露されていますが(キーはE)、その後に歌詞の一部が変更されキーもB♭に変えられてこのアルバムに初めて公式に発表されました。
Long afloat on shipless oceans
I did all my best to smile
'til your singing eyes and fingers
Drew me loving to your isle
And you sang:
"Sail to me
Sail to me
Let me enfold you"
Here I am
Here I am
Waiting to hold you
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you hare when I was fox?
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks
For you sing:
'Touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow
O my heart, o my heart, shies from the sorrow'
I am puzzled as the oyster
I am troubled as the tide:
Should I stand amid your breakers?
Should I lie with death my bride?
Hear me sing, 'Swim to me, swim to me, let me enfold you:
Here I am, here I am, waiting to hold you'