10cc / Bloody Tourists (US, Polydor, Man Ken Records, PD-1-6161) <September 1978>


10cc / Bloody Tourists (US, Polydor, Man Ken Records, PD-1-6161) <September 1978>
(SIDE 1) PD-1-6161-AS-CP3
(SIDE 2) STRAWBERRY PD-1-6161-⚫-CP×-BS PiT (⚫の部分はASと刻んで消してあります。BSとすべきところを間違えたためと思われます)

10ccの6枚目にして、分裂後2作目にあたる1978年の作品。もちろん"I'm Not In Love"を含む3枚目の"The Original Soundtrack"と最高傑作と言われる4枚目"How Dare You!(邦題;びっくり電話)"が代表作であるというのに異論はありませんが、個人的にはこの6枚目が一番好きなアルバムです。No.1ヒットになった1曲目もいいですが、2曲目"For You And I"はこのバンドで一番のバラードの傑作と思いますし、美しいハーモニーから入ってハードに展開する4曲目の良さもたまりません。ひたすら朗らかな11曲目も素晴らしい。聴きどころが多い名盤だと思いますよ。ちなみにジャケのデザインはヒプノシスです。


"For You And I"

The world is full of other people (ooh ooh)
take a look around
We're quick to laugh when they've got troubles (ooh ooh)
and we put 'em down

We go
We're not so hot you know
It's like a roller coaster
On a downward motion
On a one way street
We can't control our feet
We're on the road to ruin
Don't know what we're doin'

She may be quiet
She may be shy
But don't you bring her down
Don't pass her by
The world of wisdom behind her eyes
Could answer everything
But you and I

We seem to wander in a daydream (ooh ooh)
We never look around
The world is full of other people (ooh ooh)
and we put 'em down

We go
We're not so hot you know
It's like a roller coaster
On a downward motion
On a one way street
We can't control our feet
We're on the road to ruin
Don't know what we're doin'

She's not beautiful
But don't make it plain
You underestimate
It's not a game
A heart of gold
Behind the drab
Would comfort anyone
But you and I

Should try to see it from the other side (oooh)
We'll get a shock
It could surprise you

The world is full of other people (ooh ooh)
take a look around
We set the pace while others listen (ooh ooh)
never make a sound

The rain must fall
But we can change
Our understanding
will remain
So take a moment
To wonder why
The world keeps turning
For you and I

なお、数年前の1月末に来日した時、事前にバンドのHPから「"For You And I"やってくれー」とお願いしてみましたが、当然ながら無視されました。曲の雰囲気が"I'm Not In Love"と被るし、しょうがないなー。
