Guns N' Roses / G N' R Lies (Germany, Geffen Records, 924 198-1 WX 218) <November 29, 1988>


Guns N' Roses / G N' R Lies (Germany, Geffen Records, 924 198-1 WX 218) <November 29, 1988>
(G) R/S Alsdorf 924198-1-A 4
(R) R/S Alsdorf 924198-1-B 18

またもジャケが問題になったセカンド・アルバム。これはドイツ盤のプロモです。オリジナル・ジャケでは左下は "Wife-beating has been around for 10,000 years."でしたが"LIES LIES LIES"になりました。また右の中段にあった"Ladies, welcome to the dark ages."が"Elephant gives birth to midget"に変更されました(変更後も問題あるような気がしますが)。

物議をかもした"One In A Million"については、Wikipediaで解説されています。ジャクソン・ブラウンが「結局、そういったことに無知なんだろうな」という趣旨の発言をしていたのを思い出しますが、アクセルは彼なりの意見を言ってますね(後付け・言い訳のように読めるんですが、それは僕が英語のニュアンスをちゃんと読み取れていないからかもしれません)。以下そのWikiですが;

In a 1989 Rolling Stone interview, Rose explained the lyrics:

I used words like police and niggers because you're not allowed to use the word 'nigger.' Why can black people go up to each other and say, 'Nigger,' but when a white guy does it all of a sudden it's a big putdown? I don't like boundaries of any kind. I don't like being told what I can and what I can't say. I used the word 'nigger' because it's a word to describe somebody that is basically a pain in your life, a problem. The word 'nigger' doesn't necessarily mean black. Doesn't John Lennon have a song "Woman Is the Nigger of the World"? There's a rap group, N.W.A. – Niggers With Attitude. I mean, they're proud of that word. More power to them. Guns n' Roses ain't bad . . . N.W.A. is baaad! Mr. Bob Goldthwait said the only reason we put these lyrics on the record was because it would cause controversy and we'd sell a million albums. Fuck him! Why'd he put us in his skit? We don't just do something to get the controversy, the press.

