Neil Young / Tonight's The Night (US, Reprise Records, MS 2221) <June 20, 1975>


Neil Young / Tonight's The Night (US, Reprise Records, MS 2221) <June 20, 1975>

"Tonight's the Night" is the sixth studio album by Canadian musician Neil Young, released in 1975 on Reprise Records. It was recorded in 1973, mostly on August 26, but its release was delayed for two years. It peaked at #25 on the Billboard 200.

ニール・ヤングの6枚目。とは言っても発売が遅くなっただけで、本作の録音は1973年8-9月、つまりあの4枚目"Harvest"の次の作品にあたります。Crazy HorseのDanny Whittenとヤングと仲が良かったローディーBruce Berryがオーヴァードーズで亡くなり、その後に追悼のために作られた作品で、ヤングの"I'm sorry. You don't know these people. This means nothing to you."というコメントが付けられています。またレコードのSIDEⅠには"HELLO WATERFACE"、SIDEⅡには"GOODBYE WATERFACE"とありますが、Waterfaceという人物の説明はありません。非常に暗い内容、粗い演奏で、当初は会社に発売を拒否されてしまいましたが、現在では「最高傑作」とも言われる名盤です。

プロモ盤は"special black Reprise Records labels"とも言われる特殊な黒ラベルで、"Harvest"のプロモよりもはるかにレアです。ジャケは折りたたみ式で、外側は"Harvest"に似た感触(「吸い取り紙」と表現されています)で、プロモのシールは剥がれてしまっているものが多いです。。

"Tonight's The Night"

Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night.

Bruce Berry was a working man
He used to load that Econoline van.
A sparkle was in his eye
But his life was in his hands.

Well, late at night
when the people were gone
He used to pick up my guitar
And sing a song in a shaky voice
That was real as the day was long.

Tonight's the night, yes it is,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night, yes it is,
tonight's the night.

Early in the mornin'
at the break of day
He used to sleep
until the afternoon.
If you never heard him sing
I guess you won't too soon.

'Cause people let me tell you
It sent a chill
up and down my spine
When I picked up the telephone
And heard that he'd died
out on the mainline.

Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night.

Bruce Berry was a working man
He used to load that Econoline van.
Well, early in the morning
at just about the break of day
He used to sleep
until the afternoon.

Tonight's the night, yes it is,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night
Tonight's the night,
tonight's the night.
