写ルンです フラッシュ 初期型 2種 two early types of Utsurundesu flash English text added


別掲 「写ルンです フラッシュ の変遷」 に挙げた各機種の前の型になります。1、2、3枚目の写真左は有効期限が1989-6、右は1989-9です。4、5、6枚目の写真の左は1枚目の写真の左と同じもので右は「写ルンです フラッシュ の変遷」の1枚目の写真の左と同じもの(有効期限が1990-5)です。4、5、6枚目の左右を比べると、正面からのデザインがかなり違うのと本体の厚みが違うのがわかります。
It is the previous model of each model listed in the attached "Transition of Utsurundesu Flash". The first, second, and third photos on the left have an expiration date of 06-1989, and the one on the right has an expiration date of 09-1989. The left of the 4th, 5th, and 6th photos is the same as the left of the first photo, and the right is the same as the left of the first photo (expiration date is 05-1990) in "The History of the Flash". If you compare the left and right sides of the 4th, 5th, and 6th sheets, you can see that the design from the front is quite different and the thickness of the main body is different.
