Pattie Boyd:George & Pattie -Esher, Surrey, England. 1968


2017年の Pattie Boyd(パティ・ボイド)写真展「George, Eric & Me –パティが見たあの頃- 」



"This is when George and I lived in a house in Esher, Surrey, England. I had been waiting all spring for these gorgeous roses to bloom, so I was absolutely thrilled they all seemed to bloom at the same time. So I said to George, 'I want to take a picture of them — you stand here and I'll put the camera on my tripod.' I set it all up, and clearly it took too long because George was just looking away the moment when the camera clicked. He has a visionary look about him and I think he looks utterly beautiful, but the story is he's bored waiting for the camera."



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