Gandar ガンダー
WEIGHT 20,000 t
HOME WORLD Planet Pole
Ultraseven episode 25 "Showdown at 140 Degrees Below Zero"
Planted under the Ultra Garrison's main defense base, the monster waited as his masters froze the land and base. As Dan wandered around and fell in and out of consciousness from the snow, the Alien Pole revealed themselves and unleashed Gandar on the UG Base. Having lost the Ultra Eye in his attempt to return to base, Dan summoned the capsule monster Miclas.
The two beasts fought for what seemed like hours, tossing one another about as if rag dolls while Dan traced his steps, trying to find the lost Ultra Eye. Gandar, however, managed to tip the scales in his favor and defeat Miclas with his ice. As he did this, Dan recovered the transformation item and transformed into Ultraseven.
As Gandar continued to beat the already defeated Miclas, Ultraseven appeared and immedietly flew off towards the sun to recharge his energy. Seven then returned and used his Ultra Will Power to flip Gandar, making him lose his sense of direction. Soon after, Seven threw his Eye Slugger at the snail-like monster, cutting off both his arms and head. Gandar then rumbled forward and fell into the snow, dead