Powered Chandora パワードチャンドラ
Chandora reappears in this series as Powered Chandora (パワードチャンドラ Pawādo Chandora). The descendent of an ancient prehistoric species, Powered Chandora was found in South America when researchers found him. However, after much documentation, it seemed as though Chandora was no different than a typical flightless bird other than his size. However, that was about to change when the female Red King appeared from the other side of the hill looking for a fight and found Chandora. For over a minute the battle consisted of only pushing until the female Red King used her tail to knock Chandora down only for him to get back up. The battle for the territory of the two giants went on for some time with neither one of them gaining an advantage over the other. By the time WINR arrived in the TMC, the female Red King had clawed Chandora to death and was now hunting the researchers in a nearby cave.
Bandai 900 yen Soft vinylSupadach Zmarn
Miclas ミクラス
No.23 MICLAS CATEGORY Capsule Monster HEIGHT Micro ~ 40 m WEIGHT 0 ~ 20,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Buffalo FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraseven episode 3 "The Secret of the Lake"
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Alien Godola ゴドラ星人
No.23 ALIEN GODOLA CATEGORY Seijin HEIGHT 2 ~ 52 m WEIGHT 89 kg ~ 45,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Godola FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraseven episode 4 "Respond, Max" The Terrestrial Defense Force began detecting alien activity out at sea and requested the help of two Ultra Garrison members to help them. As they fell into the Alien Godola's trap and were sent into Earth's orbit, Dan was knocked out by one of Alien Godola's agents who he thought was a girl with car trouble and had his Ultra Eye taken like before. The Captain and two Ultra Garrison members with a third shortly joining were introduced to the Alien Godola himself and his many agents. After disguising himself as an Ultra Garrison member he went to Earth to plant a bomb in Ultra Garrison's base and encapsulated Dan so he could further infiltrate the base as him. The Alien Godola then proceeded to insert a bomb inside the base that would blow it up. After one of the agents came back to taunt him, who happened to be the same one that knocked him out, he shot his gun onto a locket he was given that an alien Godola was taunting him with, using the sparks to destroy the capsule and allow him to gain his Ultra Eye back, turning into Ultraseven. After finishing the agent with the Emerium Ray, Ultraseven proceeded to defeat their leader who was disguised as Dan and even managed to damage his head with the Eye Slugger. Ultraseven chased him to a beach where Alien Godola revealed himself and went to full size. Alien Godola at first had the upper-hand, but Ultraseven soon knocked him off of his feet. Knowing he couldn't defeat the hero, Alien Godola tried to flee, but Ultraseven used the Emelium Ray to finish him. Ultraseven headed into space to the battleship with the bomb. The Godola leader was initially going to use it on the Ultra Garrison's base, planting it on the battleship as Ultraseven engaged the remaining Godola agents guarding the ship. Ultraseven managed to defeat the agents with Ultra Chops, Ultra Kicks, Emerium Rays, and Shakehand Rays and saved the captain and Ultra Garrison members as the bomb went off.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Seabozu シーボーズ
No.22 SEABOZU CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 40 m WEIGHT 30,000 t HOME WORLD Monster Graveyard FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 35 "The Monster Graveyard" A disturbance from outer space, the Science Patrol investigated the matter to find themselves in the Monster Graveyard, where all aliens and monsters go when they are destroyed by the Ultra Warriors. Nearly all of them except a skeleton-like monster could be identified. As they returned to Earth, the skeleton monster dubbed "Seabozu," fell from the sky and landed in a nearby city. As The Science Patrol was about to fire, they noticed that the monster wasn't intentionally attacking the city nor trying to harm anyone, but instead it climbed the tallest building in the city as if it were trying to get back into the sky, however after jumping off the building trying to jump into the sky, it fell to the ground below and wandered away whimpering. Finally, the Science Patrol cornered Seabozu in the middle of an open field away from society and opened fire upon the monster. After minutes of senseless violence and Seabozu being unruly attacked, it became obvious to the Science Patrol that Seabozu just wanted to go home to the Monster Graveyard. The first attempt to send Seabozu home was to tie his hands around a massive rocket that would be sent to the Monster Graveyard. However the plan failed as Seabozu's weight and clumsiness caused the rocket to crash and burn on site. Ultraman showed up shortly afterwards and shockingly attacked the monster (possibly in hopes of knocking it out so he fly it home easier,) but Ultraman's Color Timer was running out and so he had to abandon Seabozu in mid-flight. Finally, a special rocket was designed for him. Ultraman met Seabozu again and ordered the monster to hold onto the rocket to take him home, but the monster's fear and stubbornness kept him from listening, provoking Ultraman at times to attack him into following his order. Finally after he grabbed onto the rocket. He was fired back to the Monster Graveyard where he could live the rest of his days in happiness.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Gandar ガンダー
No.21 GANDAR CATEGORY kaiju HEIGHT 45 m WEIGHT 20,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Pole FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraseven episode 25 "Showdown at 140 Degrees Below Zero" Planted under the Ultra Garrison's main defense base, the monster waited as his masters froze the land and base. As Dan wandered around and fell in and out of consciousness from the snow, the Alien Pole revealed themselves and unleashed Gandar on the UG Base. Having lost the Ultra Eye in his attempt to return to base, Dan summoned the capsule monster Miclas. The two beasts fought for what seemed like hours, tossing one another about as if rag dolls while Dan traced his steps, trying to find the lost Ultra Eye. Gandar, however, managed to tip the scales in his favor and defeat Miclas with his ice. As he did this, Dan recovered the transformation item and transformed into Ultraseven. As Gandar continued to beat the already defeated Miclas, Ultraseven appeared and immedietly flew off towards the sun to recharge his energy. Seven then returned and used his Ultra Will Power to flip Gandar, making him lose his sense of direction. Soon after, Seven threw his Eye Slugger at the snail-like monster, cutting off both his arms and head. Gandar then rumbled forward and fell into the snow, dead
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Bemular ベムラー
No.20 BEMULAR CATEGORY kaiju HEIGHT 50 m WEIGHT 25,000 t HOME WORLD Planet M35 FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 1 "Ultra Operation No.1" Escaping from the Monster Graveyard with Ultraman in hot pursuit across the universe, Bemular made his way to Earth and landed in a lake, hiding himself while Ultraman crashed into Shin Hayata's ship, killing him and out of grief, merging with him to better protect the planet. Meanwhile, the Science Patrol went after Bemular, who was still hiding in the lake, using Sub S22 (piloted by the revived Hayata) to make Bemular come out of hiding. Bemular, however, grabbed the ship with his jaws and hurled it to the ground and proceeded to set it on fire with his heat beam. For the first time ever, Hayata used the Beta Capsule as directed by his savior and the being called Ultraman appeared to fight against Bemular. After a long and brutal fight, Ultraman used the Specium Ray to destroy Bemular as he was trying to escape again. Ultra Operation No.1
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500-700円Supadach Zmarn
Gango ギャンゴ
No.19 GANGO CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 2.2 ~ 50 m WEIGHT 60 ~ 60,000 t HOME WORLD Unknown FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 11 "The Rascal from Outer Space" Originally a small space rock capable of granting any wish, Gango was created after a criminal got his hands on the space rock. Wanting the rock to do his dirty work, the thief wished for a kaiju to do his bidding, creating Gango. After using Gango to scare people for his enjoyment, the criminal wished for Gango to grow to a gigantic size, and that it did! The kaiju smashed through the walls and ceiling, causing the structure to collapse and unintentionally injuring the man, sending him into a coma. With the criminal unable to tell the kaiju to stop, Gango began a relentless assault! It was met by the SDF and the Science Patrol, but all their weapons could do was sever one of its radar-like ears, which sent Gango in an enraged frenzy. Finally Shin Hayata transformed into Ultraman, to stop the kaiju, but Gango's cowardly nature took the "fight" long enough for Ultraman to weaken. As it saw that Ultraman was running out a time, the criminal awoke from his coma. Seeing what his creation was doing, he wished the creature away. The towering kaiju turned back into the softball-sized space rock and was gathered by Ultraman and taken back into space.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Geronimon ジェロニモン
No.18 GERONIMON CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 40 m WEIGHT 30 HOME WORLD Planet Earth FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 37 "The Little Hero" Geronimon was a incredibly powerful monster who was reputed to be the leader of the Earth monsters. He was angered by the Science Patrol and Ultraman for constantly killing his monsters, so, in revenge he, revived Telesdon, Dorako, and Pigmon as a warning to the Earth. Re-Pigmon revealed that Geronimon's plan was to revive 60 more monsters in order to take over the planet and defeat Ultraman with this army of monsters. After Telesdon and Dorako were killed by the Science Patrol (Re-Pigmon was killed by Re-Dorako), Geronimon appeared from within a mountain and attacked the Science Patrol himself. Ultraman eventually showed up, rescuing the Science Patrol and confronting the Monster Chief. Geronimon used his razor-sharp feathers to attack Ultraman and chase him into the sky, but Ultraman destroyed most of the them and then he pounced on Geronimon, restraining the monster using his knees. Ultraman then enraged Geronimon by tearing out all the feathers on his head. Geronimon tried to use his Anti-Gravity Mist on Ultraman, but the hero redirected the mist with his Ultra Barrier, lifting Geronimon into the air. Ultraman held Geronimon steady as his colour timer started to blink, and the monster was shot and killed by the Science Patrol.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Neronga ネロンガ
No.17 NERONGA CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 45 m WEIGHT 40,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Earth, Planet Boris (Nebula M78 Universe) FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 3 "Science Special Search-Party, Move Out" Awoken by man and bellowing in hunger, Neronga emerged from underground, and headed for a nearby power plant to drain the energy. Soon the Science Patrol is called in to locate the monster. On arrival, Neronga was invisible and attacking a Transition Station, attacking and the Science Patrol began to open fire with their lasers, only angering the beast, who struck back with a beam of electricity. The crew survived, but Neronga escaped, looking for more energy. Predicting Neronga would attack at another power plant, the Science Patrol forced the monster to become visible with their weaponry. Enraged, Neronga fought back by hurling a huge ship, destroying the entire plant and resumed attacking the Science Patrol with his electric bolts. One of the Science Patrol members managed to blow out one of Neronga's eyes but this only angered the monster even more. Hayata transformed into Ultraman and manhandles the beast, beating him like crazy, but Neronga still fought back. Before long, Ultraman tossed the monster into the air, and finished it with the Specium Ray.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 700円Supadach Zmarn
Telesdon テレスドン
No.16 TELESDON CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 60 m WEIGHT 120,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Earth (Ultraman) Boris (Ultra Galaxy) FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 22 "Overthrow the Surface" A weapon of the Underground People, Telesdon was unleashed to terrorize a city on the surface world, as well as distract the Science Patrol from the Underground People's real plan. The Underground People had captured and attempted to hypnotize Shin Hayata into using Ultraman as their own weapon. However, they underestimated Ultraman's power, as Ultraman's light and energy blinded and killed the Underground People and Ultraman quickly escaped to the surface to fight Telesdon. While Telesdon tried his best, he was of little match for the hero and was beaten to death and finished by Ultraman's Dropped Rock. Telesdon was revived as Re-Telesdon (再生テレスドン Saisei Teresudon). He, along with Dorako and Pigmon were revived by Geronimon as a warning to humanity of Geronimon's plan for conquest. However, both Telesdon and Re-Dorako were killed by the Science Patrol before Geronimon could appear himself, while Pigmon was killed by Re-Dorako for distracting him. The Little Hero
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Kiyla キーラ
No.15 KIYLA CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 39 m WEIGHT 21,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Q (Kodon in English dub) FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraman episode 38 "The Spaceship Rescue Command" The Planet Q was a new discovery and as a robotic probe looked for useable resources, the camera revealed a gigantic eye looking into the lens. A quick flash followed, blinding those that watched the screen. With a group of astronauts trapped on the planet of kaiju, the Science Patrol was dispatched. Upon arrival, the group witnessed a battle between Kiyla and Saigo. The wicked monster drove Saigo into full retreat, allowing Kiyla to wander the alien world without any fear. As the Science Patrol continued to explore and accomplish their mission, Kiyla appeared before two of the teammates and blinded Arashi! While they made it back to their vehicle, Kiyla again appeared, blocking their path. The group ventured outside to combat the monster, but none of their attacks could even hurt it! As they retreated to the nearby rocket, Hayata summoned Ultraman to assure their safety. The hero attacked the space insect, pummeling it with a flurry of strikes. Victory seemed assured for the hero, a blinding flash made the red and silver giant stagger! Unable to see, Ultraman was met with a relentless attack until his eyesight returned. When it did, the hero caught the alien beast with his Ultra Air Catch (V2) and floated it into the air, driving it off and exploding into the distance, allowing the Science Patrol to escape.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Star Bem Gyeron ギエロン星獣
No.14 STAR BEM GYERON CATEGORY Kaiju HEIGHT 50 m WEIGHT 35,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Gyeron of Char Constellation FIRST APPEARANCE Ultraseven episode 26 "Super Weapon R-1" Star Bem Gyeron was an alien who lived alone on a planet which shared his name. The beast became a victim of the Ultra Garrison's experimentation on a new rocket that destroyed his home world. The Gyeron monster pursued the rocket's origin and left for Earth to destroy it out of vengeance for the destruction of his home world. The Ultra Garrison quickly picked up on the monster's presence and tried to stop the monster while battling it in space, but the beast's reflective body parts allowed him to resist their efforts. Shortly after landing on Earth however, the Ultra Garrison was able to corner the monster and using a series of bombs, the monster from Gyeron was blown to pieces by their bombs. Later that night however, the chunks that made up the monster's body reformed back together and it was revived, to which he flew off into the night. The next day, the monster was found in an open field by the Ultra Garrison. This time however the monster resisted their weapons and downed their jets with a combination of his radioactive mist and his energy rings. Once the Ultra Garrison was taken down, Dan transformed into Ultraseven to battle the alien monster. Star Bem Gyeron proved to be a challenge for the Ultra by using his arms to reflect Ultraseven's Eye Slugger multiple times, and using his energy rings to damage his right arm. Ultraseven continued to fight back and by absorbing enough sunlight, Ultraseven tore off the monster's right arm and slit the monster's throat with the Eye Slugger, agonizingly killing the creature from the dead planet Gyeron.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
King Joe キングジョー
No.12 KING JOE CATEGORY Robot HEIGHT 55 m WEIGHT 48,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Pedan of the 8th Galaxy Planet Exile Appearing first in the form of four ships, King Joe was sent by the Alien Pedan as their main weapon to conquer Earth. The four ships first appeared attacking and destroying a submarine as they alerted an SOS to the Ultra Garrison came. Before the Ultra Garrison arrived (along with a mysterious woman in tow, who would soon be revealed to be working for the Pedan Aliens) went onto the harbor, they were too late.The four ships then arrived at a U.N. Embassy, where they soon rejoined to reveal King Joe's true form. Even with hidden gun turrets beneath the embassy, nothing could damage King Joe. Ultraseven soon arrived to do battle with the robot, but King Joe's Pedantic Armor proved to be far more powerful than anticipated, with nothing Ultraseven could do stop him. Soon Ultraseven was pinned to the ground and received crippling palm slams by King Joe until Ultraseven fell seemingly unconscious. However as the robot's back was turned, the hero lunged forward and knocked King Joe down. Incapable of getting back up again, King Joe turned back into the four ships and fled with Ultraseven following it. It was then revealed that the reason for King Joe's attack on the Embassy was due to a scientist whom had found a chemical that is highly reactive with Pedantic Armor, which also explained why the Pedan Aliens have come to Earth as well. The Pedan Aliens erasing Dorothy's memories to prevent the Ultra Garrison from creating the special chemical. King Joe later returned, arriving in Kobe Bay where it wrecked havoc on local oil tankers. The Ultra Garrison came to the scene, but after nothing seemed to phase him, Dan turned into Ultraseven once again. Again King Joe proved his great strength despite Ultraseven's maneuverability. However once the Ultra Garrison loaded the special chemical into a missile launcher, it was fired at King Joe, short-circuiting the robot. King Joe fell in the harbor and self-destructed, its masters' ship arose out of his wreckage only to be destroyed by Seven's Wide Shot.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Alien Hipporito ヒッポリト星人
No.11 ALIEN HIPPORITO CATEGORY Seijin HEIGHT 50 m WEIGHT 63,000 t HOME WORLD Planet Hipporito After Yapool was defeated by Ultraman Ace, he went to recover in his own dimension. Alien Hipporito took advantage of the relative calm, and traveled to Earth to kill Ace and the other Ultra Brothers. Hipporito first appeared in a city, calling out to Ace to demonstrate his power to the Ultra by decapitating a giant statue of Ace before teleporting away. TAC soon found Hipporito in a desert area and attacked him. But TAC's fighters were easily downed by Hipporito's strength and Ultraman Ace appeared on the scene. During the fight, Ultraman Ace and Hipporito were roughly matched in strength until Hipporito trapped Ace inside a glass chamber that appeared out of nowhere, where Ace was doused in an unusual liquid and gas inside the chamber. Then to everyone's shock, after a few seconds the chamber disappeared to reveal Ace turned into a giant statue composed of jade, but not before sending an Ultra Sign to the other Ultra Brothers (Ultraman, Zoffy, Ultraseven, and Ultraman Jack) who rushed to the scene. Shortly after discovering the jaded statue of Ace, Hipporito appeared and trapped Ultraman and Zoffy into the glass chambers before they could even attack. Seven and Jack rolled away in time, with the former fighting Hipporito but overpowered by his strength. Jack was trapped in a chamber after attempting to use his bracelet to free his brothers, leaving Seven alone. The alien easily overpowered the hero and trapped him in a statue chamber, thus turning all the Ultra Brothers into statues of jade. With the Ultra Brothers now incapacitated, TAC were the only ones left to stop Hipporito's world conquest. However, none of their weapons were strong enough to do any harm to Hipporito, and the team were then surrounded in a ring of fire created by the alien. Suddenly, a large, green energy ball fell from the sky and attacked Hipporito. It was revealed to be none other than the Father of Ultra. Proceeding first by rescuing TAC and freeing Ace from his jade coating with the Ultra Shower, The Father of Ultra seemed to have Hipporito under control with his energy attacks, such as the Crescent Shot and the Ultra Array, and superior strength, until Hipporito blinded and injured Ultra Father with his laser attacks. Weakened, the Father of Ultra gave his Color Timer to Ultraman Ace, reviving his adopted son before dying himself from Hipporito's injuries. Now revived and fueled with the Father of Ultra's energy, Ace beat down Hipporito with ease. After a combination of TAC's weapons as well as his own, Hipporito was finally destroyed by Ace's Metallium Ray. Ace proceeded to revive the Ultra Brothers and the group managed to revive the Father of Ultra, bringing him back to Nebula M78 afterwards.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 500 円Supadach Zmarn
Power Banila パワードバニラ
Banila reappeared in the series Ultraman: The Ultimate Hero. Much like their original counterparts, Banila and Aboras were locked away long ago in special sarcophaguses (rather than capsules) After Banila's sarcophagus was found, WINR translated the hieroglyphics and revealed the warning of the existence of the two devil kaiju. Fortunately, they could only emerge if their sarcophaguses were exposed to certain sounds. After WINR found out Aboras released, Banila's sarcophagus was released as well. The two devil kaiju met in a Los Angeles neighborhood on the outskirts of the main city where they began to battle. Aboras seemed to have won the battle with his melting liquid until Banila used "acidic reformation" to continue his attack. As the two devil kaiju fought each other again, Kenichi Kai turned into Ultraman Powered. During the battle, WINR used a special machine to emit 23,000 herts, greatly weakening both devil kaiju and allowed Powered to destroy Aboras and then Banila with the Mega Specium Ray.
Soft vinyl figure Bandai 700円Supadach Zmarn