Richard Wilson Mental Crimes


Richard Wilson is an Australian Musician that recorded his only album in Hong Kong, and for the Label.

I don't have information as in why he traveled Hong Kong to made this album, but it's a breakthrough, the first Rock Opera album in Hong Kong that deals with people with schizophrenia.

"Mental Crimes is an original, creative music interpretation of a man’s experience with schizophrenia. It’s his inner search into the deep crevices of the mind, in quest of answers that reach beyond the limits of his comprehension. Each Song reflects a time or a moment in human existence where man comes face to face with his fears, fate and loneliness. Mental Crimes happens frequently. This album is a personal experience to each who listens and understands."



「精神犯罪は、統合失調症の男性の経験を独創的かつ創造的に解釈したものです。理解の限界を超えた答えを求めて、心の深い裂け目を探求します。各歌は時間や瞬間を反映しています。 人間が恐怖、運命、孤独に直面する人間の存在の中で。精神的犯罪は頻繁に起こります。このアルバムは、耳を傾け理解する個人にとっての個人的な経験です。」
