Secret Lair
通常のマジック:ザ・ギャザリングのセットでは扱いきれないアート・スタイルのカードを取り扱うために新設されたサブブランド「Secret Lair」の製品カテゴリの1つ。
mtg wikiより引用
Eldraine Wonderland
The Godzilla Lands
The Unfathomable Crushing Brutality of Basic
Phyrexian Praetors: Compleat Edition
Artist Series: Seb McKinnon No.119
The Full-Text Land
Artist Series: Seb McKinnon No.539
Secret Lair No.558
Secret Lair No.561
Secret Lair No.557
Dracula's Land
Secret Lair x Arcane: Lands
Shades Not Included No.417
Secret Lair No.556
Secret Lair No.563
Secret Lair No.562
Secret Lair No.559
Secret Lair x FORTNITE: Landmarks and Locations
The Tokyo Lands
Secret Lair x Post Malone: The Lands
Special Guest: Kozyndan: The Lands
Transformers: One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
The Astrology Lands さり座
The Astrology Lands 山羊座
Happy Little Gathering
Featuring: Gary Baseman
Meditations on Nature
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