


One of my collections are Konapun toys made by Bandai. Konapun was released at the year of 1983. It uses clay like materials and powders to make miniature food. The powders were “powdered sodium alginate which is contained in seaweed and dissolves easily in water”. The play sets included miniature kitchen utensils and molds. I also discovered recently that Konapun toys were also used as doll play sets to Bandai's Charmy Twin back in the 80’s. Konapun was also discontinued then made a comeback in 2006 and 2009 with periodic releases. According to some the blogs I read online, Bandai stopped producing Konapun (or maybe they changed its name). I hope they still have new playsets

I only have a few Konapun toys, but I think it deserves a separate collection room here. It's one of the toys that really amazes me.

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    2022/10/06 - 編集済み

    cute play set💕


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      The Toy Nook


      Thank you so much for the link! I'm happy that they still have new playsets! Will be exploring the website for the next few days
