Stephen Housden ‎/ New World Groove


Bedfordshire, UK born and Australia grown up Stephen Housden joined Little River Band, as their lead guitaris in 1981 and recorded seventh LRB album ‘’The Net’ which was also the first album for the new lead vocalist John Farnham. A founding member Graham Goble said then, "that lineup [Goble, Nelson, Housden, Farnham, Prestwich and Hirschfelder] was the most talented LRB lineup that I had ever played in."
Whilst Goble started to seek for a solo career since 1989 and performed live and recorded an album as Broken Voice with Housden, Housden stayed with LRB but at the same time he also recorded his first solo instrumental album “New World Groove” and its opening track “Celtic Warrior” was featured on the US TV ( NBC network) series Baywatch. The album was originally released in Switzerland in 1993 and re-released in USA in 1997 by Thoghtscape Sounds when they released Broken Voices album.

Release:1993 (Switzerland, Australia) / 16 December, 1997 (USA)
Label: Tune Seven P/L Australia ‎(CDT7001) / Blue Martin Records, Switzerland (BLM 330092-2) / Thoughtscape Sounds, USA ‎(TSS0011)

1. Celtic Warrior
2. New World Groove
3. Seaspray
4. Skyline
5. Spanish Castles
6. Siobhan
7. Some Kind Of Strut
8. The Bounty
9. Emerald Blues
10. Soul Surrender Part I & II

Producers: Anthony J. Fossey, Stephen Housden

Stephen Housden: Guitar, Voice, Choir

- Musicians-
Bass: Travis Clarke, Gary Costello
Drums, Drum Programming: Phil Henderson
Keyboards: Anthony J. Fossey, Eddie Rayner, Laurence Maddy
Drum Programming: Phil Henderson, Derek Pellicci
Percussion: Derek Pellicci, Alex Pertout
Tambourine: Laurence Maddy
Violin: Rupert Guenther
Strings: Eddie Rayner
Choir: James Uluave, John Housden, Mick Pealing, Mike Rudd, Ross Hannaford, Russell Morris, Steve Wade

