PlayStation 体験版 無料レンタル版

PlayStation 体験版 無料レンタル版


Psinh's personal collection.

There is no clear information about how the whole rental system worked... Apparently, it was managed by Tsutaya corporation. You could rent taikenban on their website or in some physical stores.

There were only a few demos available these ways.

There are 4 kinds of them :

- those with specific rental packages and CD serials

- those with specific rental packages with a regular CD inside (no rental mention)

- those with regular packages with a "muryou rental ban" sticker on it and a specific rental CD inside

- some are 100% identical to their regular counterparts, they have a barcode sticker on the back and they are sometimes put in a plastic sleeve with a "muryou rental" label

Here will be posted the first 3 kinds of them. Those which are the same as their regular conterparts are no specific hibaihin.
