
Filipinos are known worldwide for their ability to create make-shifts and reproduce first-class technology into something that with a limited financial resources can attain. This has been evident in a distinctly Filipino creation, the Philippine Jeepney. The idea of the vehicle was derived from the Gl jeep brought by the American soldiers during the World War II. It has the same strong engine as an Army jeep but with a body that has been remodeled and resized to accommodate commuting passengers that normally ranges from 20 to 30 all in all.

Every Jeepneys carries a touch of artistry and ingenuity as well-detailed artworks are elaborately displayed on the shining chrome bodies and even in to the vehicle's interior. No jeep is exactly similar to others in terms of appearance. Payment system while inside the Jeepney is on an honesty basis, every driver just hope that passengers will pay sufficient amount of fare required for a certain distance traveled. Today, the Jeepney is the most popular means of transportation in the Philippines, with its innumerable population which is mostly concentrated in the metropolis, no wonder why it has been tagged as the country's "King of the Road".

