- Follow Your Heart Museum
- 3F Bill Champlin 関連 <CD, DVD, Vinyl>
- West Coast All Stars / California Dreamin' (CD, 日本盤, 1997年)
West Coast All Stars / California Dreamin' (CD, 日本盤, 1997年)
Chicago 2名+元TOTO 2名の4人で組んだアカペラグループの1枚目
Their 1st. album was released on July 17, 1997 in Japan.
Produced by Joey Carbone
Executive Producer : Kaz Hori
Arranged by Bill Champlin, Additional Arrangements by Joseph Williams
Recording Engineer : Frank Rosato at Woodeliff Studio
Mixing Engineer : Brian Reeves at Lighthouse Studios
Assistant Mixing Engineer : Tommy Verdonck
Mastered by Doug Sax at the Mastering Lab
Assistant Mastering Engineer : Robert Hadley
Photography by Michael O'Connor
Art Direction by Michael O'Conner & Gavin O'Conner
Front Cover Photo by Tomas del Amo
Members :
- Bill Champlin (Lead Vocal on 1, 5, 7, 10,Harmony Vocals)
- Jason Scheff (Lead Vocals on 1, 3, 9, Harmony Vocals)
- Bobby Kimball (Leads Vocals on 1, 2, 6, Harmony Vocals)
- Joseph Williams (Lead Vocals on 1, 4, 7, 8, Harmony Vocals)
Track list :
1. California Dreramin' (John Phillips, Michelle Phillips, B. Champlin)
2.Rikki Don't Lose That Number (Walter Becker, Donald Fagen)
3. Your Smilin' Face (James Taylor)
4. Heaven In Your Eyes (J. Carbone, J. Williams)
5. Takin' It To The Streets (Michael McDonald)
6.Hotel California (Don Felder, Don Henley, Glenn Frey)
7. Shine On Me (B. Champlin, J. Carbone, Michelle Hart)
8. God Only Knows (Brian Wilson, Tony Asher)
9. Sister Golden Hair (Gerry Beckley)
10. We're All Alone (Boz Scaggs)