初版 2021/03/31 21:10
改訂 2024/03/04 15:13
国産カメラ図鑑、The Collector's Guide to Japanese Cameras 1985年初版、1995年改訂初版 という本があります。
At the time I bought this book, I didn't have much interest in domestic cameras, so I neglected it until recently. However, recently, cameras that I have never seen or heard of are being put up for sale one after another on online auctions. So I pulled this book out of a camera book that was buried in a room at my wife's parents' house and took a look at the cameras that were on sale.
1921 at the bottom right of the above figure is an error of 2021, so I will correct it. ( May 25, 2021)
驚いたことにこのCooky 35が2021年5月23日にヤフーオークションでなんと10500円で落札されていました。
Surprisingly, this Cooky 35 was sold for a whopping 10500 yen at Yahoo Auction on May 23, 2021.
柳の下に2匹目のどじょうではなく、ヤフオクに3台目のCooky 35が出ていました。
There was not a second loach under the willow, but a third Cooky 35 on Yahoo! Auctions.
終了したのは2021年6月3日です。1986年当時、「現存確認五台以下のもの。殆ど売物がないもの。」 という代物がなんと3カ月のうちに3台も現れてしまいました。
It ended on June 3, 2021. In 1986, three substitutes appeared in three months, with the description "less than five confirmed to exist.
ここまで珍しいものはめったにないでしょうが、★★★★ 「現存台数が非常に少なく、入手迄に数年を要する事もあるもの。(例 ミニマムアイデア、キャノンJ等)」以下のものは頻繁にみつけることができます。注意しなくてはいけないのは、出品者が独断で「超希少」、「超珍品」といっていることがあることで生産台数10,
000台超えのものまであります。また確かに★★★★でしょうが一部分が欠けていたり、「このElega-35は鏡筒先端部が欠けています。ヤフオク! - Elega 35 レアな日本製ライカスタンダード (yahoo.co.jp)2021.3.31現在ヤフオクに出ています。」
Hardly anything for sale." Items this rare are rare, but items below ★★★★ "There are very few in existence, and it may take several years to obtain them. (Example: Minimum Idea, Canon J, etc.)" are frequently found. You can find it. What you need to be aware of is that the seller may arbitrarily call an item ``ultra rare'' or ``ultra rare,'' and there are cases where there are over 10,000 units produced. Also, it is true that a part of the lens barrel is missing. Yahoo! Auctions - Elega 35 Rare Japanese Leica Standard (yahoo.co.jp) 2021.3. 31 Currently on Yahoo! Auctions.
一部の部品が欠損しているものもあります。ヤフオク! - レオタックス G 型 トプコール5cm/2付 /現状 (yahoo.co.jp)そういう状態であると納得して手に入れるのならいいですが、うっかり気付かずに落札してしまうということがないよう気を付けなければいけません。「★★★は入手する迄に一年位かかる事もあるもの。戦前のカメラの平均値。戦後の小メーカーの製品の平均値。(例 クローバーシックス、ステレオヒット等)★★は数カ月努力すれば殆ど入手可能なもの。生産台数の多かった戦前のカメラの平均値。やや数の少ない戦後のカメラの平均値。(例 ベビーパール、パックスⅠ等)★はクラシックカメラ店を一通り捜せば殆ど入手可能なもの。どちらかと云えば中古カメラと云うべきもの。生産台数の多かった近年のカメラ。」とあります。以上1985年当時の希少度で、2021年の現在にそのまま当てはめることはできませんが中古カメラ店巡り、ネットオークション、メルカリチェックの参考にされるといいと考えます。
Some parts may be missing. Yahoo! Auctions - Leotax G type with Topcoal 5cm/2 / Current status (yahoo.co.jp) It's fine if you are convinced that it is in that condition, but there is no chance of you accidentally winning the bid without noticing. You have to be careful. "★★★ may take about a year to obtain. Average value for prewar cameras. Average value for products from small manufacturers after the war. (Example: Clover Six, Stereo Hit, etc.) ★★ may take several months of effort. Most of them are available. Average values for pre-war cameras, which were produced in large numbers. Average values for post-war cameras, which were produced in small numbers. (Example: Baby Pearl, Pax I, etc.) If you search through classic camera stores, you can find most of them. "Available. If anything, it should be called a used camera. A camera from recent years when a large number of units were produced." The above rarity levels as they were in 1985 cannot be directly applied to the current situation in 2021, but I think it would be a good idea to use them as a reference when visiting used camera stores, online auctions, or checking Mercari.
There may not be many people visiting used camera stores as much as they used to, but on the other hand, there are many people who are checking out online auctions and Mercari. This is especially noticeable during this coronavirus pandemic. The next Olympus 35-S is a May 1955 model, and at first glance it looks like an ordinary camera, but even at the time this book was published in 1981, it was so rare that it took about a year to obtain it. It comes out as something.
As of 6:30 a.m. on April 15, 2021, two of the 52 units on Mercari (including SOLD ones) (there may be some discrepancies) are May 1955 models. One unit was on sale for 2000 yen. (The other SOLD unit was in much better condition and cost 1,880 yen.) There was also one on Yahoo Auctions. Nowadays, we can easily access rare items that were created 35 years ago, sometimes taking a year to acquire, in just a few minutes, so why not take advantage of books like this one?
ロングセラーカメラには初期のものと中期、後期の物でいろいろな個所が変わっているものがあります。こうした違いを見るのも面白いです。オリンパス ペンなどネットオークションにたくさん出ています。程度も値段もピンからキリまであります。自分に合ったものを入手するのですが、この時「最初期型」と謳っていて高値がついていても、出品者がこのことを承知しているかどうか不明ですが、実際には単なる「初期型」に過ぎないものもあります。また何の断りもなく安い値が付いていても写真を拡大してみると「最初期型」と分かることもあります。この違いは雑誌の特集などで調べる必要があります。
There are many long-selling cameras that have changed in various ways between the early, middle, and later versions. It's interesting to see these differences. Many items such as Olympus pens are available for online auction. The degree and price range from high to high. I get the item that suits me, but even if it is advertised as ``earliest type'' and has a high price, it is unclear whether the seller is aware of this or not, but in reality it is just ``early model''. Some are just "types". Also, even if a product is listed at a low price without any notice, if you enlarge the photo, you may find that it is the "earliest model." This difference needs to be investigated through magazine special features.