池田綾子 / HIKARI


01. ヒカリノイト [4:33]
02. 風の声に耳を澄ませて [4:17]
03. Camp in the moon [4:01]
04. 星空サンクチュアリ [4:28]
05. こころのかたち [5:09]
06. 扉の樹の下で [4:21]
07. 明日への手紙 / 池田綾子 feat. CHORO CLUB [5:23]
08. 白衣のひと [6:05]
09. アナタノコトバ [5:34]
10. ありがとうの星 [5:06]
11. 夢の途中で (with Piano Version) [5:31]
12. 星降る森 (with Piano Version) [5:31]
13. こころたび (with Piano Version) [5:04]
14. ヒカリノイト (with Piano Version) [4:28]

池田綾子 [Vocal] on M1~6/8~14
長谷川久美子 [Piano] on M1/2/5/10
真部裕 [Violin on M1, Viola on M1, 1st Violin on M10]
村中俊之 [Cello] on M1
森下唯 [Piano] on M3
塩谷哲 [Piano] on M4/8/11~14
大儀見元 [Percussioin] on M4
笠原あやの [Cello] on M5
中北裕子 [Percussion] on M5
朝川朋之 [Harp] on M8
羽鳥美紗紀 [Flute] on M8
オオニシユウスケ [Guitar] on M9
太田美帆 [Chorus] on M9
藤堂昌彦 [2nd Violin] on M10
坂口弦太郎 [Viola] on M10
奥泉貴圭 [Cello] on M10
木村将之 [Contrabass] on M10
坂本圭 [Flute, Ocarina] on M10
三沢またろう [Percussion] on M10
真部裕 [1st Violin] on M2
坂口弦太郎 [Viola] on M2
藤堂昌彦 [2nd Violin] on M2
多井智紀 [Cello] on M2
押鐘貴之 [1st Violin] on M3
杉山由紀 [2nd Violin] on M3
城戸喜代 [Viola] on M3
笠原あやの [Cello] on M3/9
金子飛鳥 [Violin] on M4/8
地行美穂 [Violin] on M4/8
矢野晴子 [Violin] on M4/8
相磯優子 [Violin] on M4/8
志賀恵子 [Viola] on M4/8
西谷牧人 [Cello] on M4/8
田中伸司 [Contrabass] on M4/8
KIWA [Chorus] on M9
勝政美紀 [Chorus] on M9

-池田綾子 feat. CHORO CLUB-
池田綾子 [Vocal] on M7
笹子重治 [Acoustic Guitar] on M7
秋岡欧 [Bandlim] on M7
沢田穰治 [Contrabass] on M7

Recorded by 原優 [M1~3/5/6/9], 沖津徹 [M4/8], 鎌田謙一 [M7], 橋本まさし [M10], 鈴木浩二 [M11~14]
Mixed by 原優 [M1~3/5/6/9/10], 沖津徹 [M4/8], 鎌田謙一 [M7], 鈴木浩二 [M11~14]
Assisted by 稲垣杏里 [M4/8]
Produced by 山田勝也
Mastering Engineer by 鈴木浩二

M4: taken from "星空サンクチュアリ" Digital Single [2020]

1st Retail Edition, with 先行チケット抽選販売チラシ, and a post card (応援店 Ver.)

TVCF song for "よつ葉乳業" [M1/2]
TVCF song for "よつ葉乳業 北海道十勝チーズ" [M3]
radio CM song for "日本航空株式会社 [2019]" [M4]
insert song for "日本真珠振興会×日本ジュエリー協会 二十歳の真珠 (はたちのパール)" [M6]
company song for "ナガイレーベン" [M8]
special song for "JR九州 クルーズトレイン ななつ星 in 九州 7周年" [M10]
theme song for TV program "空旅をあなたへ -PREMIUM SKY-" [M11]
