手嶌葵 / Aoi Works: Best Collection 2011-2016


01. 明日への手紙 [5:18]
02. 瑠璃色の地球 [3:44]
03. いつでも夢を [1:32]
04. Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) [4:48]
05. 心のままに [4:53]
06. 風の谷のナウシカ [4:39]
07. 春のさけび [4:33]
08. いてくれて ありがとう [1:52]
09. 輝きの庭 ~I'm not alone~ (album mix) [4:00]
10. この瞬間を / 手嶌葵 duet with 池田綾子 [4:59]
11. Lullaby Of Birdland バードランドの子守唄 [3:09]
12. Home, my home [3:53]
13. ささやかだけど、好ましいこと [1:39]
14. 卒業写真 [4:10]
15. 願い [2:51]
16. あなたのぬくもりをおぼえてる [3:58]
17. 氷の大地 [5:23]
-Bonus Tracks-
18. テルーの唄 (Live) [3:32]
19. さよならの夏~コクリコ坂から~ (Live) [5:45]

手嶌葵 [Vocal]
山口周平 [Acoustic Guitar] on M1
渡辺等 [Wood Bass] on M1
仙道さおり [Percussion] on M1
蔦谷好位置 [Piano, All Other Instruments] on M1
弦一徹 [Violin] on M1
村中俊之 [Cello] on M1
佐藤友亮 [Piano] on M2
伊藤彩 [Violin] on M2
下川美帆 [Violin] on M2
南かおり [Viola] on M2
大沼深雪 [Cello] on M2
中島ノブユキ [Piano] on M3
伊丹雅博 [Guitar] on M4
森下唯 [Piano] on M5
伊藤ゴロー [Guitar] on M6
鈴木正人 [Bass, Celesta] on M6
芳垣安洋 [Drums] on M6
林正樹 [Piano] on M6
徳永友美 [1st Violin] on M6
藤堂昌彦 [2nd Violin] on M6
大沼幸江 [Viola] on M6
結城貴弘 [Cello] on M6
庄司知史 [Oboe] on M6
山中雅文 [Synthesizer Operator] on M7
中西康晴 [Piano] on M8
橋本竜樹 [Acoustic Guitar] on M8
白戸秀明 [Bass] on M8
沖洋子 [Violin] on M8
徳澤青弦 [Cello] on M8
高橋啓太 [Acoustic Guitar] on M9
伊原真一 [Guitars, Mandolin] on M9
林陽介 [Bass] on M9
小野田尚史 [Drums] on M9
山本健太 [Piano, Accordion, Glockenspiel] on M9
安井敬 [Tin Whistle] on M9
菅野よう子 [Piano] on M11
今堀恒雄 [Guitar] on M11
鳥越啓介 [Bass] on M11
佐藤康夫 [Drums] on M11
杉真理 [Programming, Chorus] on M12
渡辺格 [Acoustic Guitar] on M12
郷田祐三子 [Cello] on M12
TATOO [All Instruments] on M14
兼松衆 [Piano] on M16
十川ともじ [Keyboards, Programming] on M17
真部裕 [Violin, Viola] on M17
遠藤益民 [Cello] on M17
オオニシユウスケ [Guitar] on M18/19
YANCY [Piano] on M18/19
-BUCCIキッズ- [Chorus] on M4
-JIVE- [Chorus] on M4
-真部裕Strings- [Strings] on M4
真部裕 [Violin] on M4
篠崎正嗣 [Top Violin] on M5
田尻順 [Violin] on M5
石田泰尚 [Violin] on M5
馬渕昌子 [Viola] on M5
堀沢真巳 [Cello] on M5
-藤堂昌彦ストリングス- [Strings] on M11
藤堂昌彦 [Violin] on M11
-門脇大輔ストリングス- [Strings] on M16
門脇大輔 [Violin] on M16

-手嶌葵 duet with 池田綾子-
手嶌葵 [Vocal] on M10
池田綾子 [Vocal] on M10
長谷川久美子 [Piano] on M10
向井航 [Cello] on M10

Produced by 蔦谷好位置 [M1], 笠木友輔 [M2], 冨永恵介 [M3], 伊藤秀紀 [M4], 池田綾子 [M5], 鈴木正人 [M6], 武部聡志 [M7], 山田勝也 [M8], オトナモード [M9], 菅野よう子 [M11], 武田秀二 [M12], 真部脩一 [M13], PAPA X inc. [M14], 北村岳士 [M16], 手嶌葵 [M16]
Co-Produced by 山本直樹 [M11], 杉江章子 [M11]
Assistant Producer by Takahiro Sato [M16]
Director by 木谷徹 [M1/6/9], 岡田純 [M2], 笠木友輔 [M2], 冨永恵介 [M3], 伊藤秀紀 [M4], 山田勝也 [M8], 北村岳士 [M14], 武田秀二 [M12], 黒川雅洋 [M13], 山本直樹 [M16], 杉江章子 [M16], 佐多美保 [M17]
Recordinng Engineers by 今井邦彦 [M1], 小池忍 [M2], 藪原正史 [M3/6/11], 井野健太郎 [M4/5], 三浦瑞生 [M7], 原優 [M8], 星野誠 [M9], 吉田竜彦 [M14], 伊豫部富治 [M11], 菅原恭史 [M12], 見元李衣 [M15], 川島隆 [M16], 井上剛 [M17]
Vocal Recorded by 吉田竜彦 [M1]
Mixed by 川島隆 [M16], 星野誠 [M18/19]

-手嶌葵 duet with 池田綾子-
Produced by 北村岳士 [M10]
Director by 北村岳士 [M10]
Recordinng Engineers by 吉田竜彦 [M10]

Mastered by 川崎洋

Recorded Live at Billboard Live Tokyo, Minato, Tokyo, Japan, December 17, 2012 [M18/19]

M2: 2012 Version

M2: taken from "Image 12 Douze Emotional & Relaxing" V.A. LP [2012]
M17: taken from "氷の大地" DL Single [2012]
M14: taken from "東京カフェスタイル #1 Stories" V.A. LP [2012]
M11: taken from "坂道のアポロン" OST LP [2012]
M4: taken from "Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)" DL Single [2012]
M10: taken from "池田綾子 / この時の中で" LP [2013]
M12/16: taken from "Ren'dez-vows" LP [2014]
M7: taken from "手嶌葵/夏木マリ - 春のさけび/Player" Split EP [2014]
M6: taken from "風街であひませう" V.A. LP [2015]
M1: taken from "明日への手紙" EP [2016]

theme song for TV Drama "いつかこの恋を思い出してきっと泣いてしまう" [M1]
TVCF song for "日本生命 みらいサポート" [M2]
TVCF song for "キリン生茶 2015" [M3]
TVCF song for "IHI" [M4]
theme song for "九州国立博物館開館10周年記念特別展 美の国 日本" [M5]
opening theme for TV Animation "山賊の娘ローニャ" [M7]
TVCF song for "パナソニック Jコンセプト" [M8]
theme song for Mobile Game "I-アイ-" [M9]
insert song for TV Animation "坂道のアポロン [Episode 5]" [M11]
TVCF song for "三井地所ホーム" [M12]
TVCF song for "ルートインホテルズ" [M13]
TVCF song for "西日本シティ銀行" [M15]
TVCF song for "FANCL 無添加スキンケア ふれあう肌篇" [M16]
image song for TV Program "フローズンプラネット 最後の未踏の大自然" [M17]
