The Beautiful South / Dumb [CD1]


01. Dumb [3:47]
02. Suck Harder [3:33]
03. Especially For You / The East Yorkshire Motor Services Band [3:48]

Paul Heaton [Vocals] on M1/2
Jacqueline Abbott [Vocals] on M1
Dave Hemingway [Vocals] on M1
David Rotheray [Guitar] on M1/2
Sean Welch [Bass] on M1/2
David Stead [Drums] on M1/2
Damon Butcher [Keyboards] on M1/2
Gary Hammond [Percussion] on M1/2

Produced by Jon Kelly [M1/2], Paul Heaton [M1/2]
Engineered by John Brough [M1/2]
Mixed by Jon Kelly [M1/2], Paul Heaton [M1/2], John Brough [M1/2]
Rhythm Consultant by Norman Cook [M1]

-The East Yorkshire Motor Services Band-
John Roberts [Conduct] on M3

Recorded by Mike Ross [M3]

M3: mistakenly listed on the packaging as "Blackbird On The Wire"


CD Part 1 of 2
