Avoiding Sesshomaru


Episode 99: Sesshomaru and Koga: a Dangerous Encounter

Ginta and Hakkaku run into Sesshomaru. Unsure of who he is, the 2 ask Kagome if she knows him. Kagome tells them that Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's older brother & he won't hesitant to end an opponent. Ginta and Hakkaku are worried Koga might try and fight Sesshomaru because of his relationship to Inuyasha. The two also learn that their wolves had previously attacked Rin & are worried Sesshomaru might want vengeance for her.
Worried that Koga and Sesshomaru might meet, Ginta and Hakkaki imagine how it might go down.

Currently without a background

#Inuyasha #Sesshomaru #InuyashaCel #AnimeCels #ProductionArt
