Steve Archer / ...Solo


In 1970, Steve Archer formed CCM group The Archers with his brother Tim, Nancye Short and Billy Rush Masters in Southern California, that recorded and released twelve albums from 1973 to 1992 and won the Grammy Award for Best Gospel Performance, Contemporary or Inspirational and nominated for Best Gospel Performance in 1980 and 1981. In 1982, while still with The Archers, Steve started his solo career by releasing the album "...Solo" produced by Chris Christian under Home Sweet Home Records. Very good blue-eyed soul CCM album.

Release: 1982
Label: Home Sweet Home Records USA (R2105)

First Reissued CD Release: 5 August, 1999 (delayed from original schedule release date 25 June, 1999, Cool Sound Inc, Japan, COOL-031)

1. Treasyre
2. Living In The Hands
3. He's Coming Back For Me
4. Armor Of The Land
5. Evermore
6. But You Didn't
7. Good News
8. Bring Me Closer
9. Unto Me
10. Live It

Producer: Chris Christian

Steve Archer: Vocals

- Musicians -
Drums: Carlos Vega, Clay Caire, David Huff
Bass: Dennis Belfield, Mike Brignardello, Gary Lunn
Guitars: Hadley Hockensmith, Michael Landau, Jon Goin, Dann Huff
Keyboards: Harlan Rogers, Bobby Ogdin Smiley, Kurt Howell

