The Ozark Mountain Daredevils / Men From Earth (US, A&M Records, SP-4601) <September 1976>


The Ozark Mountain Daredevils / Men From Earth (US, A&M Records, SP-4601) <September 1976>
(1) SP 4939 M1
(2) SP 4940 M1

Men from Earth is the fourth album by the Country rock/Southern rock band The Ozark Mountain Daredevils. Founding band member Randle Chowning left to go solo after The Car Over The Lake Album and was replaced by Rune Walle in time for "Men From Earth". The album includes a pair of standout Larry Lee tunes, the romantic "You Know Like I Know" and the hard-country "Homemade Wine". As their previous album had contained an EP called The Little Red Record, this release featured the even rarer The Little Red Record 2 that contained two additional songs: "Roscoe's Rule" and "A Dollar's Worth Of Regular". These two tracks were included in the 2002 CD release of the album, along with "Better Days", which had only been released as the B side of their "Jackie Blue" single in late 1974.

オザーク・マウンテン・デアデヴィルズは1972年にミズーリ州で結成された、かなりカントリー色の強いバンドです。1973年にグリン・ジョンズのプロデュースによる英国録音"The Ozark Mountain Daredevils"でデビュー(イーグルスと一緒やんけ)。この作品は1976年の4作目。かなりいいセン行ってると思います(個人的に始めて聴いたこのバンドのアルバムだったので、思い入れがあるだけなんでしょうか・・・??)。
