Tom Waits / Closing Time (US, Asylum Records, SD5061) <March 6, 1973>


Tom Waits / Closing Time (US, Asylum Records, SD5061) <March 6, 1973>

Closing Time is the debut studio album by American singer-songwriter Tom Waits, released in March 1973 on Asylum Records. Produced and arranged by former Lovin' Spoonful member Jerry Yester, Closing Time was the first of seven of Waits' major releases by Asylum.The album is noted for being predominantly folk influenced although Waits intended for Closing Time to be "a jazz, piano-led album." Upon release, the album was mildly successful in the United States, although it did not chart and received little attention from music press in the United Kingdom and elsewhere internationally. Critical reaction to Closing Time was positive The album's only single, "Ol' '55", attracted attention due to a cover version by Waits's more popular label mates, the Eagles. Other songs from the album were covered by Tim Buckleyand Bette Midler. The album was certified Gold in the UK and has gained a contemporary cult following among rock fans.



ちなみにアサイラム・レコード(Asylum Records)は、デヴィッド・ゲフィンとエリオット・ロバーツにより1971年に設立されたアメリカのレコード会社で、この会社の最初のレコードは1971年9月15日に発表されたジュディ・シルの『Judee Sill』です。1973年にジャック・ホルツマンの引退に伴いエレクトラ・レコードと合併しました。この2年に満たない僅かな期間にリリースされたレコードで使用されたのが「ホワイト・アサイラム」と呼ばれるラベル(繰り返しますが、これは一般に「白ラベル」と言われるラベルとは異なるものです)で、ジャクソン・ブラウンやイーグルスのデビュー作や、ジョニ・ミッチェルの"FOR THE ROSES"などに使用されました。

なお、このTom Waits / Closing Time (SD5061)のプロモ盤のマトリクスは、僕が知る限り「732731A / 732732A」と「732731B / 732732A」の2種類があるようです。

"Ol' 55"

Well my time went so quickly, I went lickety-splickly out to my old '55
As I drove away slowly, feeling so holy, God knows, I was feeling alive.

Now the sun's coming up, I'm riding with Lady Luck, freeway cars and trucks,
Stars beginning to fade, and I lead the parade
Just a-wishing I'd stayed a little longer,
Oh, Lord, let me tell you that the feeling's getting stronger.

And it's six in the morning, gave me no warning; I had to be on my way.
Well there's trucks all a-passing me, and the lights are all flashing,
I'm on my way home from your place.

And now the sun's coming up, I'm riding with Lady Luck, freeway cars and trucks,
Stars beginning to fade, and I lead the parade
Just a-wishing I'd stayed a little longer,
Oh, Lord, let me tell you that the feeling's getting stronger.

And my time went so quickly, I went lickety-splickly out to my old '55
As I pulled away slowly, feeling so holy, God knows, I was feeling alive.

Now the sun's coming up, I'm riding with Lady Luck,
Freeway cars and trucks, freeway cars and trucks, freeway cars and trucks...
