Getahead [+1] / Curiosity Killed The Cat


Getahead Curiosity Killed The Cat 01/01/89 Mercury PPD-1080 ¥???? ¥100 Dance Rock 0:53:24 13 日本盤 中古

1 Name And Number 4:01
2 Do You Believin' 4:15
3 Cascade 3:57
4 First Place 4:34
5 We Just Gotta Do It (For Us) 4:15
6 Go Go Ahead 2:24
7 Trees Don't Grow On Money 4:08
8 Treat You So Well 4:15
9 Who Are You 3:49
10 Security Lady 4:10
11 Something New, Something Blue 3:56
12 Keep On Trying 4:58
13 Name And Number (Jazzy Dub Version) 4:15
