Andrew Gold / Andrew Gold (US, Asylum Records, 7E-1047) <1975>


Andrew Gold / Andrew Gold (US, Asylum Records, 7E-1047) <1975>
(SIDE ONE) 7E 1047-A-2 CSM

アンドリュー・ゴールドはもともとスタジオ・エンジニアでしたが、ギター・キーボード・ドラムなどの演奏もバック・ヴォーカルもこなすスタジオ・ミュージシャンとして頭角をあらわし、リンダ・ロンシュタット、カーリー・サイモン、ジェイムス・テイラー、カーラ・ボノフと言った人達のアルバムに参加して名が売れる中でソロ・ミュージシャンとして契約・デビューに至りました。本作品はそのデビュー作でリンダ・ロンシュタット本人やリンダ・ロンシュタット・バンドのケニー・エドワーズなどが参加しています。またこの作品はAllmusicで★4つ、Rolling Stgoneで「この1年で1番の美メロ」と高く評価されました。

Andrew Gold is the first album by singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Andrew Gold. It was released in 1975 on Asylum Records. Linda Ronstadt, of whose band Gold was a member at the time, appears on the album.

Rolling Stone's Stephen Holder said the album was "one of the year's most melodic" and "expresses, with warmth, humor and expertise, a special feeling for mid-Sixties rock." Holder notes that Gold "recaptures the essential spirit of 1964-65 Beatles music" and that his "ballads are as captivating as his rockers, if not more so."

AllMusic's James Chrispell said the album contains "an abundance of riches." Noting "there are great Beatlesque melodies here, as well as heartfelt love songs that are Gold's specialties."

"That's Why I Love You"

I'm a robin sitting in a tree
Singing for you, darling, endlessly
Inspiration's got a hold on me
And I don't want to be set free

It's the smile on your face
It's your style and your grace
And that's why, that's why
I love you

You're a party with the lights down low
You're my Friday night movie show
Love me tender on the radio
Just hold me tight and don't let go

It's the smile on your face
It's your style and your grace
And that's why, that's why
I love you

People fall in love and
All too soon it fades away
But, sweet darling, we won't fade
I will travel with you on down the line

It's the smile on your face
It's your style and your grace
And that's why, that's why
I love you

It's the smile on your face
It's your style and your grace
And that's why, that's why
I love you

It's the smile on your face
It's your style and your grace
And that's why, that's why
I love you
